Friday, February 14, 2020

experimental film

experimental films 
experimental films is the subversion , stretching and breaking of normal convention and narrative, genre and film form elements. experimental films are very substantive, removing and break the rules of traditional film. for example editing linear time , cause and effect, consistent rise en seen, charter motivation, charter motivation , relationship with the audience e.g 4th wall breaks  and many many more. they are made to alters audiences responses as traditional pleasures such as narrative closure and suspension of disbelief are absent or subverted. disorientation, active spectatorship and a sensual experience might be in the foreground.

post modernism
post modernism snt as extreme as experimental film they tent to slightly bend the rules of narrative and film form conventions wothin a fairly traditional structure or features a more concitent use of casue and effect and mise - en scene. "It opposes all of the traditional structural theories and claims that the nature of modern life is so complex and fragmented that no theory can address all of these elements. Culture and identity are either self-constructs or defined by a new and ever changing set of relationships."

central elements of postmodenisum

reflexivity: where a media text draws attention to it self being a pice of fiction e.g breaking the 4th wall

eclecticism:  where a wde range of influences andtechnques  are used including high and low culture text

pastiche/ parody: a humours or satircal imation of a media text setting, genra and key elements of film formcan be pastiched or parodied

hyper reality: "the idea that we are all living in a "virtual" mediated world with little or no direct "real" experiences.  It can also refer to  the artificial constructed world of images we see in films which are not the same as the real world." -  Baudrillard,
films like the matrix and incetions reference hyper reality.

acts againest modenism key elements

  • disultion of linar time 
  • inconcitent mise en scen
  • ditruction of casue and effetc

Monday, December 9, 2019

the scare crow


  • close ups
  • framing


  • many cuts in dog scene
  • cuts only used when needed

mise en scene

  • adapting process


  • keatens smaller size
  • very active
  • romatic sutor


  • layering of jokes
  • kokes about size


  • class 
  • marrage is mocked 
  • women are eual

Thursday, December 5, 2019

silent film 'one week'

  • close ups 
  • framing 
  • natural lighting 
  • only when necessary 
mise en scene 

  • creative props

  • body language 
  • neatens smaller size 
  • exaggerated movement 
  • Keaton plays a suitor 

  • use of phisical objectes
  • dead pan expresstion
  • breaking the 4th wall 
  • intertexuality.
  • marrage is more equal
  • class 
  • mocking police
  • exaggerated movment
  • body language
  • keatens smaller size

  • slapstick
  • post modernisum
  • keaten got the idea from a new paper advert
  • cubisum( art movment from the 20s)

Friday, November 29, 2019

Silent cinema

This movement was about films being based in reality and shot and edited as closely to reality as possible. Director style almost didn't exist. the meaning is created by what is seen and not by the editing and cuts.  the realist films focused on the characters , issues and it would closely link with everyday problems.

Cinema of attraction
This really on the  audience reaction and the immediate experence  rather than any sort of narrative.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

PAN'S LABYRINTH closing scene


  • Ofelia holds little brother really tightly 
  • the captain is stumbling a lot
  • when the captain is running after Ofelia they are both breathing out 
  • he the captain is stumbling and looks very weak.
  • when he runs in to the resistants he looks very relaxed as he knows he's going to die
  • Mercedes is sitting over Ofelia dead body almost as a maternal figure
  • Ofelia smiles just before she dies showing she gets what she wants. 
  • slight blue cold lightning 
  • raw captain is hidden in the darkness a lot
  • flame of face highlights his range
  • the light is focused on the baby which highlights the time of hope
  • bright lighting and gold foreshadows foils fate
  • opposing characters faces are never in the same shot

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pans Labyrinth Opening scene


  • camera pans a lot 
  • camera movements is disorienting
  • shooting shot of the Ofelia dying
  • zooms into to her eye to show the story from her perspective 
  •  introduction of the captain is from a high angle
  • opening shot is reversed 
  • fades give the story a dream like feeling
  • minimal cuts
  • fades into the past
  • cuts through objects 
  • harsh blue light makes it feel like a fairy tale
  • warm brown lights makes its used for the real world
  • misty 
  • the bright lighting used at some points gives a sense of hope
  • humming lula bye 
  • heavy breathing
  • very dream like
mise en scene 
  • the first sequence is very strange looking 
  • the captains watch show that he is a very orderly man and it also highlights the relationship he had with his father.