Thursday, January 31, 2019

Transporting: The Second Half

 Tommy's Down fall
The second half of transporting is where you can say that the film takes a turn. The first half of the film is actually really comical and happy film even though it is about the effects of drugs on these young peoples lives. Tommy is the best example of this change of tone. Tommy is probably one of the most sympathetic characters in this story and everything that happens he doesn't deserve it. At the beginning of the film one of the first things he says is that he doesn't know what anyone would ever poison themselves with something like heroin which comes full cercle when he gets addicted and that basically destroys his life and eventually ends up in his death. Tommy loses his girlfriend and he's in a hard place and he thinks that the best thing for him was to try heroin as Mark is always saying how good it is , he thought it might help him. In the sequence where tommy asked for heroin Mark is high and it first looks like he dismissing him and is like nah you're better off without it, but as soon as Tommy brings out money Mark turns. This just show how Mark is not really a good friend , even to one of his nicer friend. he would still destroy his friend life for a bit of money.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

transporting; club/sex scene and overdose scene

Club scene

This scene opens with us seen the main characters in the club separated and doing there own thing except from stud and tommy who are talking about their relationships. You see Begbie from a distance trying to pull a girl and it looks like he's telling a story. This character loves to get in fight and love to tell people an exasperate version of these fights and that is probably doing now with this girl with the way he is gesturing. You also see Sick boy kissing a girl with another girl next to him that look very fed up. Then you see mark with a group of single people that look as if they are struggling to find anyone. Then you see stud and Tommy sick down and talking in a shot that is a direct homage to a clock work orange. Subtitles are used for 2 reasons , the music is really loud and the characters accents can be really strong at time. The subtitles are mocking that in a way. The boys are talking how Spud hasn't had sex with his girlfriend for 6 weeks. it then cuts to their girlfriends in the toilet talking about the same thing. Spuds hates it but his girlfriend is enjoy ing touching him.  The song being played is Temtation by heaven 17 which was a popular pop rock song in the 80s. The music in arund the first half of the film is a lot of of pop songs but torwards the end of the film there is more dance clubing music. The change in the sound track highlights the chnage of time from the 80s to the 90s in the film.

The girls go up to the boys and and they ask what they are talking about and the boys say foot ball and the the girls say shopping. This is a joke on jender stererotyes that girls only talk about shopping and boys only talk about sport but its ironic that they are talking about their sex lives. I feel like this is a representation how how young people scotland. Mark spots Diana for the first time and the and the song changes to Atomic by Sleeper which is a very exciting which shows what Mark and Dian do in the next scene. Diana turns away a guy that gives her a drink. Its like when Mark sees this hes more attracted to her. This shows what type of charater Dian is , very strong and confident. They leave the club and the exteria of the club is all red which tends to evoke an image of sex in films. Mark gose up to her and starts beng all witty and strange around her to try and sleep with her but Diane immediately sees through this a basically breaks down mark as a Character where he is left speachless and she is the one in control.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

This is England: opening squence


The opening scene is a sequa ence of clips from all sorts of 80s pop culture in it. This is dome because its gives the audience a sense of the era and tone. The clips are from things like T.Vs shows, music, games and even clips of Margaret Thatcher as she was the Prime minister at the time this film was set. You see her in a constriction vehicle. The expression on her face is very seirous and maybe a bit confused probably because she probably feels really out of place as she didn't really get involved with working class people.

There are some clips of video game being played. Things like space invader which was a very popular game at the time . Back then games were played pubs , cafes arcades and you club. You weren't able to play games at home yet which now is extremely popular now.

Theres a clip of the car from the popular show Knight Rider staring David Hasselhoff and a talking car. He played a confident and cocky american hero and the car was intelligent, and he had a British accent which represents how americans would see British people , as very extreme serotypes.

There are a lot a council fats shown which foreshadows the character Shaun and how he lives.                    

Top of the pops clip

Lady Diana and Prince Charles getting married which was a huge event at the time

Train crash bad representation of British rail

Rubik’s cub

These is a natural front March which is a neo nazi group which foreshadows the character combo

Sign of racial tension and violence

Troops on the Falklands  which is the war that Shaun dad fought in

War casualties

Mise -en-scene