Thursday, September 27, 2018



Casablanca is a romantic  drama directed by Michael Curtiz and was released inn 1942. It was set during the second world war and is about a man called Rick Blaine ,who owns a night club in Casablanca, that has to choose between his love for a woman (llsa )or helping her and her new husband(Victor Laszlo) to escape the country.  her husband is Czech resistance leader and hes trying to a escape so he can Carrie on fighting the Nazis.

Rick Blaine

Rick played by Humphrey Bogart is the main protagonist of the film and is shown to have a very cold and hard exterior with him only really caring about him self shown when he repeats the line "I don't stick my neck out for no one". This quote can show how he might of  helped people in the past but something change so he no longer does that. He's like this because Ilsa broke his heart and maybe since then he's gated himself off from other people. At the start of the film its almost like there's this build up to meeting Rick. He's mentioned many times before we see him and the sigh for his cafĂ© is shown a few times as well so before we even see him we know that he's going to be an important character. at the end of the film he eventually helps Ilsa and her husband because its like he learns that if he really loves someone he should let them go and them be happy.

Ilsa Lund

When we first meet Ilsa  we see that she is extremely loyal to her husband and his political stance but you don't really understand her because she claim be in love with Laszlo but she also says that she loves Rick so you don't really get a sense of what her goal is. She may just be in two minds and might think that she made the wring decision marring Laszlos. In the flash back you can see her being really affectionate and loving towards Rick but when you see her in present day she can barely look Laszlo in the eyes when rick is around.

Captain Louis Renault

The captain might bet the shadiest character in the film. he's constantly bouncing from both sides in the war maybe just following who is winning at the time. when we see he's on the side of the Nazis. He provides visas for people but is they are unable to pay he will sleep with them. at the end of the film him character in redeemed when he decides to help rick and stop being a Nazi

Victor Laszlo

Victor is like the white night of this story. He's seen as a noble hero. He's such a good man that even when Ilsa tells him  what rick was to her he says that he understands. He is willing to sacrifice himself so that Ilsa can escape Casablanca safely. His primary motive is to defeat the Nazis. Casablanca is filled with shady character and Victor is meant to contrast that.

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