Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Evaluative analysis

Evaluative analysis

About a girl
The film that had the biggest impact to me was about a girl. The film form element that had the most impact on me was the handheld documentary style. It creates a more close and personal connection with the main character and aligns the audience with her. The narrative of About a girl is mostly linier with flashbacks. The flash backs actually make up most of narrative. I like this idea a lot because its like the flashback fill in the gaps of narrative for it to make sense for the audience. The main protagonist of the story is the girl and she’s not exactly presented as a hero but not a villain as the audience is seeing the story though her point of view and we are meant to feel sympathy for her event based on what she does in end. The short is meant to have a more optimistic ending.

The thing in this short that influenced me the most was how the characters are developed though out the story in a way that really help connect with them in a short period of time. The lack of dialogue in certain scenes can give the audience so much for the narrative just based on what is seen. The protagonist of the story is Richie. The first scene of the short is him trying to call himself so the audience feels sympathy for him and makes a connection. When you meet his sister, she seems so against him looking after her daughter s we think that he may have done something terrible for her to react like that. We find out that he dropped her as a baby and the situation is made light with Sophia (the daughter) laughing. the main binary opposites presented in the story would be Richie and Maggie (his sister). She is just shown to hate him for possibly having a drug problem.

The Gunfighter 

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